
Growing evidence in the field of Patient reported outcome (PRO) led researchers to carefully choose an appropriate PRO as outcomes in the population of interest. 

The Lorraine University EA 4360 team, the Inserm CIC-EC of the University Hospital of Nancy, and the National quality of life in oncology platform offer you an open access to their PRO measurement scale (PROMS) collection, SeleQT - Selection of Questionnaires and Tools.

This collection includes validated perceived-health questionnaires in French, and a wide range of tools to facilitate their use. 

SeleQT, a platform developed by a team of experts in epidemiology and biostatistics, in 3 key points :

  • To promote diffusion of validated PROMS, especially in French speaking populations, to researchers
  • To promote open access to PROMS to researchers
  • To promote open access to specific tools for their use : short scoring manuals, data entry forms, codes to compute scores easily on usual statistical softwares


CIC 1433 Epidémiologie Clinique
Inserm, CHRU, Université de Lorraine
CHRU de Nancy – Hôpitaux de Brabois
Allée du Morvan
54500 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy

Number of visits : 568824
Number of registered users : 500

Région LorraineINSERMCIC 1433 Epidémiologie Clinique - NancyUniversité de LorraineCHU de NancyPlateforme Qualité de Vie et Cancer
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